It is about free will, personal choice, and freedom without rulers or government overloads.
The idea promoted with the Gadsen Flag and the Don’t Tread on Me phrase is simple, “leave me alone to live in peace, to do what I do best, and as long as my actions do not cause physical harm to others there is no need for your intervention. To find out what the Don’t Tread on Me Flags Meaning today we need first take a look at where it came from, and why. What Does Don’t Tread on Me and the Gadsen Flag Mean Today? Of the many slogans that have been socially adopted by some as a banner, and others as the new evil to kill, the line, “ Don’t tread on me” is easily among the top ten over the past few years. DON’T TREAD ON ME – THE GADSDEN FLAG AND IT’S MEANING